Come to Parijs


This tutorial was made with PSP 2020

but can be done with other versions of Psp

The colours may vary significantly depending on the Psp used. . .

- Place the Pspbrush and Pspscript files "Gerrie i " in the brush folder of your Psp files.
 Place the pattern in the pattern folder of your Psp files

 unless you already have it in your Corel folders (Bakstenen muur)
Place the tubes in a folder of your choice

Translated by Marion in French, English

Alex translated into German

Sylviana translated into Spanish

Thank you so much for these translations!.

Click on the flag to access the translation


If you're looking for a solution to your filter problems,

 look no further than Zantara's Vision!.


 Permission Tubes Here

Plugins Reneegraphisme Here


 Material here 




Mehdi- Sorting Tiles

Funhouse -Cirquelate

 Flaming Pear - Flexify 2

AAA Filters – Custom - Sharp

Bkg Kaleidoscope> - 4QFlip UpperL

Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass

The tube(s) come from Riet,  smArt,

If you are using your own tubes, reduce them as you see fit.
Is there a tube of yours? If so, please let me know so I can put your name on it.

I'd like to send a big, heartfelt thank you to all the amazing tube makers out there for creating these incredible tubes. Please do not remove the watermark.
The copyright belongs to the original artist and I'd love to see them credited.
Thank you so much!.

 Make your images and tubes the same size.
Change the blend mode/opacity in your layers palette.


Step 1
From your main tube, find a light foreground color and a dark background color.
Gerrie has chosen the following colors
Material Properties: Set your foreground color to #bdbfcb-- Set  your background color to #

Step 2
Replace your foreground color with a Foreground/Background Sunburst Gradient.

 Configure it as follows

Step 3
Open your - Alpha_Yasha
Windows Duplicate ( Shift+D) we work on the copy

Step 4
Activate Flood Fill Tool – Fill the layer with the gradient

Step 5
Effects-Plugins- Mehdi- Sorting Tiles use the settings below


Step 6
Effects-Plugins-Filters in Unlimited -&<Bkg Kaleidoscope> - 4QFlip UpperL


Step 7

Lock the top layer

Step 8
Layers palette - Activate the layer underneath ( Raster 1)

Step 9
Effects-Plugins- Funhouse -Cirquelate with these settings

Step 10
Effects- Plugins- Flaming Pear-Flexify 2
Click on the red arrow>>select my file preset Flexify 2 settings q2q
can be used in any folder of your choice by clicking on it.
Open it will be ok in your filter
Or set the settings manually


Step 11
Go back to the top layer in the Layers palette.
(Copy of Raster 1)
Unlock this layer

Step 12
Image - Resize by 90%  resize all layers not checked

Step 13

Effects- Plugins- Flaming Pear-Flexify 2

Click on the red arrow>>select my file preset Flexify 2a settings q2q
can be used in any folder of your choice by clicking on it.
Open it will be ok in your filter
Or set the settings manually


Step 14
Effects - 3D -Effects - Drop Shadow with these settings:
Horizontal and Vertical at 0 - Opacity at 60 - Blur at 10 - Color 5


Step 15
Layers-New Raster Layer

Step 16
Selections/Load/Save Selection/Load Selection from Alpha Channel- selection # 1

Step 17
Flood Fill Tool-Fill the selection with the background color nr. 2
or any color of your choice

Step 18

Effects - Texture Effects - Texture select "Brick wall or Bakstenen muur" with the following settings

Step 19
Effects-Plugins- Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 Impact Glass Clear

Step 20
Selections - Select none

Step 21
Effects-Plugins- Mura,s Meister Perspective Tiling 1.1with these settings 

Step 22
Activate your Magic Wand – Tolerance at 0 and Feather at 60


Step 23
Select the transparent part of this layer


Step 24
Hit your delete key 3 to 4 times
Selections - Select none

Step 25
 Activate the tube  - misted parijs

Step 26
 Activate your work
Edit - Paste as new layer
(do not move)

Step 27
 Activate the tube - smArt_deco_33

Step 28
 Activate your work
Edit - Paste as new layer

Step 29
Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard - Enter the following parameters on the toolbar
Press the ( M ) button to close the tool.

Step 30
 Image/ Add Borders/Symmetric checked: 10 Pixels-Color 4

Step 31

 Image/ Add Borders/Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel-Color 2

Step 32
Selections -Select All

Step 33
 Image/ Add Borders/Symmetric checked: 40 Pixels-Color  4

Step 34
Effects - 3D -Effects - Drop Shadow with these settings:
Horizontal and Vertical at 0 - Opacity at 60 - Blur at 10 - Color 2

Step 35
Selections -Select none

Step 36
Activate your main tube

Step 37
 Activate your work

Edit - Paste as new layer

Put it on the right side (see  finished image)

Step 38
Layers -Duplicate

Step 39
Activate the layer underneath

Step 40
Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur-Radius 10 %

Step 41
Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Overlay "

Step 42
Replace the top of the Layers palette
Step 43
Activate the tube - Deco_01

Step 44

Step 45
 Activate your work
Edit - Paste as new layer

Step 46
Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard - Enter the following parameters on the toolbar
Press the ( M ) button to close the tool.

Step 47
Layers-New Raster Layer

Step 48
Activate the Paint Brush tool
Use the Gerrie i brush with the following settings

Apply the brush in the middle of your tag on this new layer,

with  or a color of your choice
Now you can move the brush
Move the brush to the top left (see finished image)

Step 49
Effects - 3D -Effects - Drop Shadow with these settings:
Horizontal and Vertical at 0 - Opacity at 60 - Blur at 10 - Color 5

Step 50
Layers-New Raster Layer
 Add your name or watermark

Step 51
 Image/ Add Borders/Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel-Color 2

Step 52
Effects -Plugins - AAA Filter - Custom Sharp
And click once on Sharp
See what looks good on you

Step 53

Image - Resize - 1000 Pixels width - Resize all layers checked

Step 54
Save as JPG and give a name
Did you create a lesson and want to show it off?

Please send me an EMAIL
Size for the gallery maximum 1000 PX

If you mail me your version, you can see it here
Additional example- tube Gerrie

Additional example tube Gerrie



   Thanks for testing the lesson
Version of Jeanne

Thanks Hennie for testing the lesson
Version of Hennie

Thanks Ireen  testing the lesson
Version of Ireen

 Thanks to Marion for the translation of the lesson
Version Marion


 Thanks to Alex for the translation of the lesson
Version Alex

 Thanks to Silviana  for the translation of the lesson
Version Sylviana

Bedankt voor jullie mooie versies !
Jouw ingezonden uitwerking van de les zie je hieronder.

Thank you for your beautiful versions!
Your submitted lesson creation will be displayed below.




This lesson was written by Gerrie on June 27, 2024
This Lesson is and remains owned and copyrighted by Gerrie.

They may not be copied or distributed without my written permission.
All my lessons are my own, so any similarity is purely coincidental.

All of my lessons are registered with TWI


Tag Index  Home1


Websitedesign: © Gerrie 2011